Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yay Brad!!

Brad got some REALLY good news today!!! He passed one part of the CPA exam!!! I knew he could do it!! There are four parts total, so he has three left. We've been waiting on his results for a while and he got them today. I am so happy for him and proud of him!! I can't imagine how worn out he is when he works full time, sometimes late nights and weekends, and then has to come home and study for the rest of the night. He worked so hard and studied so much for this. He completely deserves it! I can't wait until he is done with all four sections, and I know he feels the same way. I stopped on the way home a picked up a couple of little "congratulations" gifts for him, and we are going to dinner to celebrate. What a beautiful day for some really great news!!! Way to go BRAD!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A few days with family

We really enjoyed having Brandi and Adam with us this past week. Mom and Sam went to Chattanooga on Wednesday and dropped Brandi and Adam off at our house on their way through. They are on spring break this week, so they got to spend it with us while mom and Sam were out of town. We didn't do alot during the week while we were working, but Friday Brad took off half a day and I get off at 1:00, so we were able to get out a little bit. First, we went to the driving range and to drive go-karts. Then we headed over to the bowling alley and bowled three games. It was so much fun. I hadn't been bowling in ages. You could tell from my scores, too. :) When we were done, we went home, ordered pizza and waited on midnight. Brandi and I decided that we were going to join the crazies and go get New Moon at midnight. However, we had no idea how long the line would be, or that they would have a full party with an employee dressed up as a vampire serving cake and red punch. It was hilarious, and luckily the line moved pretty quickly. When we got home we talked the boys into staying up and watching it. We did not go to bed until 3:00...I can't remember the last time I stayed up that late. I can't handle that very well at my older age. Lol.

Saturday, mom and Sam came back through town. I cooked dinner and then we went downtown for the predators game. I always love going to the games, but this one was a little on the boring side. Nobody scored during regulation, but the preds did pull out a win in overtime. Even though it was a little slow, we all had a good time! This morning they all got up and headed back to Memphis. Brad and I have done pretty much nothing during this rainy day. I have felt so lazy today!! There are plenty of clothes to wash, and I had planned on doing that today, but it definitely did NOT happen. Lol. Oh, well. I guess lazy days happen every once in a while. A new week starts tomorrow. Hopefully we will be a little more energetic!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just Like a Kid Again

That's how I feel with all of this vacation a kid counting down the days til summer. Brad and I are going on vacation in July and we haven't made any reservations yet. Yes, July will be here before we know it, but you know me, once a procrastinator always a procrastinator. And besides, we haven't been able to decide where we want to go. I'm always pushing the Disneyworld idea. I keep telling Brad that I really want to go by ourselves, before we have kids. That's basically because I'm still a kid at heart, and I don't want to share Disney with kids just yet. Selfish, but true. He has never been completely against Disneyworld, he just isn't as excited about the idea as I am. I know we would have a blast if we went, but it looks like we will have to wait a little longer to find out.
After much discussion, research, googling, etc, here is our tentative plan. We are headed to Chicago first. Neither of us have been there. In Chicago, we will go to a Kings of Leon concert and a Cubs/Cards game. YAY for both of those!!!! Brad just about wet his pants when he found out the Cards were going to be in Chicago the weekend we are going to be there. I'm sure we won't get harassed at all when we sport our red and white from head to toe. Heehee. Brad can't wait to eat Chicago pizza, and I can't wait to do Chicago shopping...I hear they are both incredible!! One of Brad's co-workers is from Chicago, so we are depending on him for advice...inexpensive flights, hotels, good places to eat, etc. Thus far, the plans are pretty definite. After this, we are THINKING about heading to another city...possibly New York???!!!! Again, this part we aren't sure of. My friends, Abigail and Kari, went to NY last summer, so I'm in the process of getting some info from them. If not NY, then we will either just stay in Chicago or just pick another city....just not sure of any back up cities yet though.
Needless to say, we are getting very excited!!! For the last couple of years our vacations have been pretty quiet and mellow, (Gatlinburg in October 2008 and quiet, cozy, beachfront Beaufort, SC in September 2009) and we have had a blast on both trips, but this year we wanted something a little more fast-paced and busy. So I guess we are headed to the big city, and maybe even the big apple!! :) The down side to all of this... if we are headed to Chicago and NY, there is no way I will be able to get out of flying this year...I won't think about that right now though. :) Hopefully we will get all of the details planned out soon!!! It will be time to count down the days before long.... Yay for vacation!!!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

If it's not one thing....

So, Ginger is home safe and sound. Apparently, she found a cozy spot about 8 doors down, under our neighbor's deck. That sneaky little thing!! We are really going to have to watch her when we let Dixie out. I was so excited when I got the phone call telling me that he found her. What a relief to know that she was okay and to have her back home!!
Now that one adventure is over, it's on to the next. Brad had a flat on his truck this morning. I guess it was a little more than a flat...the tire actually came off of the wheel, (or something like that.) I don't know why or how it happened, but I do know one thing, we will be buying tires this weekend. And that will be neither fun nor inexpensive. We paid his truck off a few months ago, and last month we had to replace a motor in one of his windows. This month we are buying new tires...I guess this is what happens when you get a vehicle paid off. Oh well, enough griping!! Things could be worse. At least we have vehicles to drive, and our Ginger is back home!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Search is on...

Well, this is not how I wanted to spend my day off!! Ginger is missing and I have been looking for her since 6:00 this morning. It all started last night. Brad and I met some friends of ours for dinner and a movie. We got back home around 9:30 and I let Dixie out to potty. I guess Ginger slipped by and ran outside without me noticing. (She does that occasionally, but I usually see her run out and am able to catch her.) I let Dixie back in, we watched a little TV and didn't notice that Ginger was missing. It's not unusual for her to hide in the towel closet or in our comforter for a nap, so we didn't even think about the fact that she wasn't in the living room with us. Around 11:00 we headed up to bed and we couldn't find her. We searched up and down, in closets, in cabinets, behind the couches and the washer and dryer. We looked in all of her favorite hiding spots and she was nowhere to be found. So, then we got out the flashlights and searched the whole subdivision until at least midnight. Then, Brad finally convinced me to go to bed and try to look the next morning when it was daylight. So, I got up at 6:00 this morning and started searching again. She is still nowhere to be found. I have listed her on and craigslist. I also called the animal hospitals in the area, in case someone brings her in. She has feline leukemia and has skin irritation problems with her ears that make her scratch. We take her in for Cortizone shots once every three or four months to control the irritations. It's almost time for another shot, and her ears have been bothering her which has made her start scratching again. I'm praying that if someone finds her and notices her ears, they will take her in for a vet appt. And since I've notified them that she is missing, they will recognize her. I will keep my fingers crossed. I made a flyer and Brad is going to print off alot of copies at work so that we can pass them out in the neighborhood. I am really sad and I hope that we find her soon!!! I would be lying if I said that I wasn't worried about her, but we will just have to keep looking. Hopefully this day will get better and my Ginger will be home soon!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Craving Some Cold Stone

What a beautiful Saturday!! Unfortunately, Brad is working today, so I got up when he left his morning and got some housework done. Then, I couldn't resist getting out and about in the warm sunshine. I did a little shopping...found some great bargains at Old Navy, and then walked around the mall for a bit. When I left the mall, I got in the car, rolled the windows down, turned up some music, and took in the beautiful day. About two seconds later, delicious, cold, creamy ice cream entered my mind, and the thought was going to nag at me until I caved in and got some. Brad and I are supposed to start trying to eat better and get back into a workout routine this week, but the week doesn't start until Sunday right?? So, it's OK to have a chocolate fudge shake today, right?? Either way, that was my justification for stopping at good old Cold Stone, and man did that chocolate shake hit the spot!! Since Brad had to miss out on my last ice cream indulgence for a while, I got some to-go ice cream for him. I'm sure he won't have any complaints about that surprise when he gets home. So, I've had my retail therapy and chocolate therapy for the day and it's not even 5:00 yet. The weekend is off to a great start, even if Cold Stone did win again!!

Friday, March 5, 2010


So, the new Alice in Wonderland movie opened in theaters today... I am sooo exited!! As weird as it looks, and as weird as Johnny Depp is, I have really been looking forward to this movie. I love Disney anyways, and I hope that this new take on the story is good. In preparation to go see it sometime over the weekend, I've been watching Disney specials on the travel channel all day, and tonight Brad and I are going to watch Disney's 1951 cartoon version. I'm sure he's not as excited about it as I am, but he's being a really good sport. Maybe this will help in my attempt to persuade him to go to Disneyworld for vacation this year.... I will keep my fingers crossed!!! :)