Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Autumn Has Arrived at the Jones House

What better way to start the season than to do a little fall cleaning and to participate in our neighborhood yard sale!! Seeing as how we moved out of a small town home and into a larger house, we should be shopping for things to fill the rooms of our house, rather than getting rid of our belongings. However, we came up with some things that we know we won't use in the new house, and we were able to take part in the selling fun.
Mom, Adam, and Pepaw also came up for the weekend and brought things to add to the sale. That definitley helped in filling up our tables and making our sale look more inviting to customers. We had alot of fun selling our items, spending time together, goofing off and simply enjoying the gorgeous fall weather.
We had a GREAT turnout, and almost everyone on our street participated. After making a little money early in the morning, mom and I ventured out through the neighborhood and did a little shopping of our own. We found some really great deals too!!

Brad and Pepaw...salesmen of the day


Football fun!

I don't know if the fall cleaning or the yard sale itself put me in the autumn mood, but something definitely did!! The cool, crisp air and the beautiful red, orange, yellow and brown colors of fall suddenly made me very happy. It was so great to realize that the scorching days of summer were over, and fall had finally arrived!!
Sooo, there was only one thing to some fall decor of course. I controlled myself (fairly well in my opinion) and only bought a wreath for the front door and a cute little cornucopia with fake fruit and pine cones. It was just enough to satisfy my little fall decor craving.

Can't wait to continue with fall festivities like pumpkin carving and corn mazes!! Happy Fall!!!!

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