Saturday, March 6, 2010

Craving Some Cold Stone

What a beautiful Saturday!! Unfortunately, Brad is working today, so I got up when he left his morning and got some housework done. Then, I couldn't resist getting out and about in the warm sunshine. I did a little shopping...found some great bargains at Old Navy, and then walked around the mall for a bit. When I left the mall, I got in the car, rolled the windows down, turned up some music, and took in the beautiful day. About two seconds later, delicious, cold, creamy ice cream entered my mind, and the thought was going to nag at me until I caved in and got some. Brad and I are supposed to start trying to eat better and get back into a workout routine this week, but the week doesn't start until Sunday right?? So, it's OK to have a chocolate fudge shake today, right?? Either way, that was my justification for stopping at good old Cold Stone, and man did that chocolate shake hit the spot!! Since Brad had to miss out on my last ice cream indulgence for a while, I got some to-go ice cream for him. I'm sure he won't have any complaints about that surprise when he gets home. So, I've had my retail therapy and chocolate therapy for the day and it's not even 5:00 yet. The weekend is off to a great start, even if Cold Stone did win again!!

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