Monday, March 8, 2010

The Search is on...

Well, this is not how I wanted to spend my day off!! Ginger is missing and I have been looking for her since 6:00 this morning. It all started last night. Brad and I met some friends of ours for dinner and a movie. We got back home around 9:30 and I let Dixie out to potty. I guess Ginger slipped by and ran outside without me noticing. (She does that occasionally, but I usually see her run out and am able to catch her.) I let Dixie back in, we watched a little TV and didn't notice that Ginger was missing. It's not unusual for her to hide in the towel closet or in our comforter for a nap, so we didn't even think about the fact that she wasn't in the living room with us. Around 11:00 we headed up to bed and we couldn't find her. We searched up and down, in closets, in cabinets, behind the couches and the washer and dryer. We looked in all of her favorite hiding spots and she was nowhere to be found. So, then we got out the flashlights and searched the whole subdivision until at least midnight. Then, Brad finally convinced me to go to bed and try to look the next morning when it was daylight. So, I got up at 6:00 this morning and started searching again. She is still nowhere to be found. I have listed her on and craigslist. I also called the animal hospitals in the area, in case someone brings her in. She has feline leukemia and has skin irritation problems with her ears that make her scratch. We take her in for Cortizone shots once every three or four months to control the irritations. It's almost time for another shot, and her ears have been bothering her which has made her start scratching again. I'm praying that if someone finds her and notices her ears, they will take her in for a vet appt. And since I've notified them that she is missing, they will recognize her. I will keep my fingers crossed. I made a flyer and Brad is going to print off alot of copies at work so that we can pass them out in the neighborhood. I am really sad and I hope that we find her soon!!! I would be lying if I said that I wasn't worried about her, but we will just have to keep looking. Hopefully this day will get better and my Ginger will be home soon!!

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